Introduction – pwin777 slot machines

Today, I will share the standard slot machines errors I learned from my friends and myself. If you find this video helpful, please help me forward it. Thank you, all players! I hope all pwin777 players will win the jackpot.

slot machines

The most common mistakes- pwin777 slot machines

1. Losing Reason in Slot Machines

First, you get angry with the slot machine or jealous of other players, which makes you angry and causes you to lose your temper and self-control, and you lose again and again. This is a new term on the Internet: being addicted. Players need to be absolutely rational and calm when playing slot machines. Because we are facing a computer based on algorithms, it will not make mistakes.

2. Quick Success

Second, quick success. Most people who are addicted to slot machines have a strong desire to win money. Many players want to turn a bicycle into a motorcycle with a small bet. This is reflected in their behavior. After the slot machine gives the reward, they can’t wait to upgrade from a small to a large bet. For example, jumping from a bet of 1 to 50 will just make you fall into the sweet trap of the slot machine and eventually lose all the profits back to the slot machine.

3. Over-persistence

Third, we mentioned that the return rate of the slot machine is between 80% and 98%. This means that after putting in 100, the slot machine has a probability of returning 80-90. This means that if players play without sleep, they will eventually lose all their money. But many players don’t understand this. When they win money, they think more significant rewards await them, and they dream of getting rich overnight by playing slot machines. When they lose money, many players blindly believe the slot machine will eventually spit out all the money. If you invest 1,000, the best rebate rate of the machine is 80%. If you persist in a protracted war on a slot machine, you will eventually lose the buy-in funds in your hand under the ups and downs of the slot machine.

4. Lose yourself in Slot Machines

The fourth is to lose yourself in the fancy rewards of the slot machine, and the brain is trapped by dopamine. The design of slot machines on the Internet is becoming more and more similar to electronic games in the game halls of our lives, with diversified themes. Some slot machine themes are also combined with TV series and movies. Some are very cute, and some are very exciting.

Some make you feel that the grand prize is just around the corner. The leading entertainment is intense, making players feel the future is promising. At the same time, you can get the satisfaction of money, which will make the brain secrete dopamine to obtain short-term happiness. This will make people addicted. When losing money, frustration and financial pressure will cause emotional fluctuations, making the joy of winning more intense.

5. No good fund planning

Fifth, the funds invested in slot machines are not effectively controlled and managed. Except for the first time, I tried this kind of game with a try-it attitude for a fresh feeling. Most long-term slot machine players don’t set a stop-loss point. This is the same as when we buy stocks. We need to establish our stop-loss point. When this stop-loss point arrives, we need to sell the stocks in our hands. Then, there is no separation of the funds used for slot machines from daily life expenses. The top players usually play as much as they bring. If they lose, they go to the ATM to withdraw money and continue playing. Such results often cause irreversible personal conditions, such as financial situations. Finally


Suppose players want to win money on slot machines and get a share of the game with computer algorithms. First of all, players need to put aside the idea of ​​getting rich overnight by relying on slot machines, being self-disciplined, having strong observation skills, and being calm and decisive. You need to know clearly when it is time to place a bet. Spend a little money to test the slot machine to see whether it is time to place a bet. Get familiar with the gameplay of more slot machines because different slot machines have different gameplay and rules. Finally, be patient and not greedy. Once you win money, you should consider switching to the next slot machine to find the rebate rate.

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